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I’ve put together some lesson notes and track record forms for you. Please read and print out them out before your lesson. Thanks  
Classroom notes
Moving away & stopping
Please print off all five pages of the track record and fill in the front page with your personal details. I fill the track record in at the end of the lesson so you can see how you’re progressing.
Cockpit drill
Track record
Cock pit drill This covers how to adjust and set up the car for yourself to drive.
Moving away and stopping This covers the basics about how to move off and stop safely.
Turns Covers how to turn left and right - major road to minor road.
Emerges Covers how to emerge left and right - minor to major road
Crossroads Shows the basics of how to deal with these types of junctions
Crossroad logotype Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur Normal driving position (NDP)
Meeting & overtaking traffic How to judge a meeting situation, and overtake safely.
They come in all sizes, but work the same, see for yourself.
Car controls This section tells you more about the controls of the car
Car controls
Closed/Concealed emerges How to deal with closed emerged
Road Positioning Shows you all about where to position your car on the road
Mirrors-Vision and use
Blind spot
Lesson notes